Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009


Monitor Jaringan dengan backtrack 4 pre

Saya mau share neh ma temen yang hobi ma distro linux hmm
kayak nya backtrack 4 pre makin mantap buat monitor jaringan
kalian bisa coba 2 tools dan tidak perlu merubah topologi jaringan anda cukup colok2 aja kabel jaringan
trus jalanin 2 tools itu

1. EtherApe
2. ettercap

Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009


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Sniffer Warning

Sniffer adalah ialah sebuah aplikasi yang dapat melihat lalu lintas data pada jaringan komputer. Dikarenakan data mengalir secara bolak-balik pada jaringan, aplikasi ini menangkap tiap-tiap paket dan terkadang menguraikan isi dari RFC (Request for Comments) atau spesifikasi yang lain. Berdasarkan pada struktur jaringan (seperti hub atau switch), salah satu pihak dapat menyadap keseluruhan atau salah satu dari pembagian lalu lintas dari salah satu mesin di jaringan. Perangkat pengendali jaringan dapat pula diatur oleh aplikasi penyadap untuk bekerja dalam mode campur-aduk (promiscuous mode) untuk "mendengarkan" semuanya (umumnya pada jaringan kabel).

Sniffer paket dapat dimanfaatkan untuk hal-hal berikut:

  • Mengatasi permasalahan pada jaringan komputer.
  • Mendeteksi adanya penyelundup dalam jaringan (Network Intusion).
  • Memonitor penggunaan jaringan dan menyaring isi isi tertentu.
  • Memata-matai pengguna jaringan lain dan mengumpulkan informasi pribadi yang dimilikanya (misalkan password).
  • Dapat digunakan untuk Reverse Engineer pada jaringan.
di sini saya mencoba menyadap username dan password Ib.bankmandiri.co.id
saya menggunakan system operasi : Backtrack 3

Langkah pertama adalah hacker akan membuat DHCP palsu yaitu yang di kenal dengan nama : (DHCP Spoofing)
Tools yang ada di backtrack adalah Ettercap contoh:

hacker bisa saja membuat DHCP palsu dan membuat DHCP asli menjadi DOWN

Contoh :
hacker menggunakan tools yersina

Setelah hacker (black hat) si jahat menyerang DHCP asli DHCP asli kan menjadi DOWN
dan client akan terputus dari DHCP asli disini lah sang hacker akan melakukan apa saja yang di inginkan.... sangat berbahaya.....!!!!!

hacker bisa saya mencuri uang anda pada saat anda ingin login di internet banking, paypal, atau email etc

Posting ini saya buat agar anda tahu bahaya dari sniffing

Tips untuk mengindari sniffing dan MITM DHCP Spoofing

1. Lihat IP address, Gateway, DNS anda pada saat anda pertama kali terhubung dengan Server DHCP
2. Apabila IP address, Gateway, DNS anda berubah rubah seperti awal anda mendapatkan IP Address, Gateway, DNS anda dari DHCP server
3. Gunakan Firefox terbaru yang Update

Jumat, 31 Juli 2009


Router Google apa bukan ya?...

Pagi ini gw menemukan ada kejanggalan pada komputer gw....
hmmm pada saat gw membuka google koneksi gw putus

dan setelah itu gw coba cari proxy list
tapi tetep juga gk konek2 aneh
hasil diagnosa ADSL gw ok gk ada masalah
tapi kok komputer gw gk konek2

gw coba cari proxy lagi yang uda gw simpen di komputer gw list2 nya

tetep aja gw gk konek juga
gw pasrah aja deh ma backrack yang gw pake kayak nya ada masalah di Vmware nya kali..!!!
he he he aneh....!!!!

gw coba pake NAT
pas gw ping ke google ada reply
wah kayak nya ok neh koneksi
dan gw coba iseng-iseng jalanin ettercap
etterape tiba

trus gw balik lagi ke windows
tiba yang keluar malah kayak gini

tapi kok Router google merek nya ZyXEL aneh kan google tuh tenar pasti dia pake produk yang mahal2 kenapa pake gk pake 3COM yang mahalan dikit.

truz gw coba tuk cari informasi ISP nya kok cuma kayak gini yang muncul
mungkin teman2 smua ada yang tahu?... saya masih newbie....



ARP poisoning?

Peracunan ARP juga dikenal sebagai ARP spoofing, dan digunakan untuk menjadi apa yang dikenal sebagai "Manusia di tengah". Ini berarti bahwa penyerang dapat menggunakan ini pada sebuah jaringan (Ethernet atau wireless) untuk mengarahkan ulang seluruh lalu lintas melalui mereka pasif, yang akan mengizinkan klien biasa layanan internet, dengan pengecualian lulus semua data melalui penyerang pertama dan dengan demikian divulging semua rahasia untuk tanpa disadari bahwa penyerang. Penyerang yang juga memiliki kesempatan untuk mengubah paket baik karena melalui dalam rangka perubahan informasi, atau sekedar menghentikan lalu lintas, yang dikenal sebagai DoS (Denial of Service). Dasar tujuan untuk ARP poisoning adalah ARP palsu untuk membuat pesan yang akan peta yang lain dari IP ke alamat MAC penyerang dalam cache dari pelanggan. Sebagai contoh, mari kita asumsikan gateway memiliki alamat MAC dari 0E: 33: FB: G3: G2: 11, memiliki MAC dari 00:02: FE: G1: 1B: CC, dan memiliki MAC dari 00:11:22:33:44:55. Jika telah melakukan serangan, akan mengirimkan pesan ARP yang menunjukkan bahwa dan adalah MAC 00:02: FE: G1: 1B: CC, dan karena itu semua lalu lintas yg diperuntukkan bagi salah satu alamat IP akan fisik yang dikirim ke alamat MAC adalah sebagai lalu lintas yang diangkut melalui jaringan lapisan. Pada tahap ini, ia sampai pada penyerang apakah dia maju 's lalu lintas ke, atau apakah ia mendapatkan mencegah dari sana, atau mengubah pada jalan. J Denial of Service dapat juga dilakukan dengan mengirimkan pesan ARP tentang klien baru (namun tidak ada) alamat MAC telah ditugaskan ke default gateway.


All About Backtrack

  1. german/french/italian. why?
  2. Multiboot with BT3 & BT4
  3. Tripple Boot Partition Question
  4. USB Boot BT3 from Vista
  5. BT4 (Pre) Final & Airodump-ng
  6. airmon -ng -> Can not find this command in konsole of backtrack4prefinal, WHY?
  7. Windows XP Services
  8. Privoxy works, Tor doesn't.
  9. Newbie
  10. No graphic mode?
  11. Can't Load Startx GUI
  12. Cant create internet connection!!!
  13. What am i missing?
  14. john the ripper and aircrack-ng
  15. COMPIZ BT4 fo INTEL cards
  16. wicd/wpa_supplicant help
  17. No wireless extensions (wlan0 is missing) on BT4PF in VirtualBox
  18. fastrack or apt-get
  19. wlan0 does not exists ?
  20. Bootinst.bat for Bt4 (pre) Final
  21. Running BackTrack 4 Vdi in VirtualBox not showning other partition
  22. NetworkManager Missing on eeePC HD Install
  23. compaq presario cq60 211dx Atheros AR242x 802.11abg not working
  24. Internal somehow more sensitive than External Wifi adapter
  25. Connected, but no internet - BackTrack 4, rtl8185 driver
  26. BackTrack 4 Pre-Release not recognizing anything on hard drives (raid 0)
  27. How to upgrade from BT4-pre to BT4 final
  28. Belkin F5D8011
  29. Low signal strength 4965agn Sony Viao vgn-nr498e
  30. Need help with static IP addressing and another eth0 issue.
  31. Atheros AR5009 802.11a/g/n WiFi Adapter help
  32. 1000h eeepc installation
  33. BT4 Pre-Final is sharing the host name with everyone!
  34. Aircrack-ng suite problem BT4 PR
  35. 8187 - Which driver?
  36. wpa_supplicant in BT4PF
  37. WEP _SKA_Got Low IVS rate
  38. Fatality Usb Heaset hs-1000 no sound.
  39. GPG Error
  40. Karma and new madwifi drivers ?
  41. How to compile orinoco driver for BT4?
  42. BT4 Listening Ports - Should there be so many?
  43. how do i connect to wifi (bt4 pre final)(1000ha)
  44. Metasploit problem with getting a tutorial to work
  45. Windows Passwords
  46. BT4 with Aircrack and B43
  47. EEEPC 1000HA wireless card not found
  48. eeepc 1000HA keyboard mapping w/ BT4
  49. HWUN3 Compatability
  50. installing vmware tools bt4 pre -final
  51. no wlan0 on macbook
  52. BT4pf and LVMs
  53. Backtrack beta 4 & Linksys wireless USB
  54. DHCLIENT - Question
  55. How to enable wired internet?
  56. Adding custom packets&Firefox addons to livecd?
  57. Rarcrack, Does it work for anyone else?
  58. Stuck on GRUB
  59. Kismet / Wireshark only seeing BROADCAST data
  60. USB Persistent / Read-Only
  61. BT4 (pre) MD5sum.txt check failed
  62. aireplay and rt73usb (Injection)
  63. Can't boot BackTrack 4 Pre Release DVD
  64. Install BT4
  65. DANGER: Don't use GUI to change Desktop path
  66. BT4 Aspire One 1024x600
  67. wicd connection problem
  68. Help with booting straight to GUI
  69. Diferencia entre BrackTrack 4 Beta y Pre Final
  70. bt4 on dell inspiron 6400
  71. Swap space not working
  72. Can not connect to LAN Internet in BackTrackPreFinal4!
  73. BT4 PF on PS3
  74. sslstrip with ettercap or airspoof not capturing password
  75. Acer Aspire 4730Z
  76. Tp-link tl-wb821n
  77. No partitions show up.
  78. Boot options & errors
  79. Which USB dongle is the best?
  80. is my 4965agn working...or is it a fluke?
  81. need a good tut
  82. Trouble Installing ATI-Drivers
  83. complete noob
  84. vmware tools gzip error from patch
  85. BT4 airmon-ng & CO. Data capture clarification
  86. Dell Inspiron 6400 wirless not staying Connected
  87. Which card to buy? TP-LINK TL-WN321G or TL-WN422G
  88. Live CD Boot
  89. WUSB54GC Enhanced Drivers
  90. Ubiquity wants to wipe my partition!
  91. SQUASHFS Error (Boot Fails)
  92. 'Error Loading Operating System' When booting BT4
  93. Install backtrack FROM a usb
  94. PCMCIA Dlink DWA-642 detection
  95. ettercap monitor script
  96. How change the font size !!
  97. macbook 2.4 - bt4 - no adapters.
  98. set up pxe 'server' in BT4 PreFinal
  99. Not able to install bt4 pre to harddrive - lilo
  100. What internal netbook wireless card should I buy?
  101. will AR5006EG work with BT4?
  102. help booting BT4 live cd
  103. Hawking hwug1
  104. BT4PF on macbook pro(1,1) wep cracking works internet dosent
  105. ERROR: ARP linktype is set to 1 --- ALFA Card
  106. Laptop battery saving ?
  107. "Ndiswrapper" and "WEP WPA WPA2"
  108. triple booting
  109. Livecd environment from hard drive with lilo.
  110. Noobish Question
  111. Network problems
  112. Create syslinux for disk multidistro (batcktrack 4)
  113. BT4 USB Boot problem - Grub
  114. WiMAX can we hack this device?!
  115. rt2860 BT4 Pre still borked?
  116. Dual boot with Ubuntu on flash drive?
  117. Audio isn't working. BT4 Prerelease
  118. bt4 usb live persistent booting problems
  119. grub loader...
  120. how to run cmd in startup&update KDE
  121. [ASK] How To Install Oracle 10g in BackTrack 4 pre-final
  122. Huawei E620 (Vodafone 3G USB Stick) and bt3+4
  123. pre-final 9.04 compatibility
  124. EW-7711UAn and backtrack 4?
  125. Pre final Aspire One wireless help
  126. Buffer I/O error with Persistent LiveCD option
  127. Which USB Wireless Adapter to buy?
  128. whats the default login
  129. Networking problems with BT4 USB
  130. Back track Freezes
  131. BT4 repository structure
  132. Live CD Not Booting
  133. Wiki Update
  134. BT4 pre-final 8gb SD, eee pc 900
  135. VGA resolution codes (lilo + grub)
  136. How to unmount /dev/sdb1 mounted at /media/cdrom0?
  137. question about back|track(4) wiki
  138. Very Simple Request For Help...
  139. Backtrack prefinal release boot screen
  140. BT4 Pre Final to Live USB Help
  141. No internet please help
  142. Error when installing BT4 Pre
  143. [Problem] Installing BackTrack 4 as a VMware Guest
  144. Ask, No Password after Boot ? How to make one ?
  145. pendrive and lots of errors
  146. backtrack 4 on dvd-rw?
  147. About casper-rw /cow doesn't exist
  148. backtrack on usb stick
  149. XFS support unavailable?
  150. Is it based on Ubuntu or Debian
  151. Backtrack 4 prefinal pendrive installation
  152. ubiquity installer + my stupidity - trial n error with BT4 pre final
  153. Aircrack
  154. FBI.gov in probe
  155. Forum Rules - Read Before Posting!


Wardriving with Kismet Newcore and BackTrack 4

So BT4 Pre-Release has been available for a few weeks now, and this has Kismet Newcore.
Kismet is a brilliant tool for wireless detection, sniffing and more. The new Kismet has an improved interface, and also built in GPS goodness

As I blogged earlier I recently got a new GPS module, and my new 9dbi omni magnetic antenna has arrived, so no more excuses, time to set it up and have a go.

First off here is the setup I am using:

Acer Aspire One – 8GB SSD, 1.5GB Ram
2GB Cruzer USB Drive – Running BT4 Pre-Release
Alpha AWUS036H
BU-353 GPS Receiver
9dBi Magmount Omni Atenna
Maplin External Battery Power

So here we go with the steps needed to make this happen. (I found a helpful post on remote exploit that had alot of the code needed)

First off we boot up BackTrack 4. I have the USB wireless and gps modules already plugged in, but I dont think this is essential.
Once we are all booted and logged in we need to open a terminal window.
From here we need to get the GPS module assigned and activated.

gpsd -N -n -D 3 /dev/ttyUSB0

GPSD is a service daemon that can monitor the GPS module. -N ensure you can see whats going on. -n ensures polling continues regardless of client connections. -D 3 sets the debug level to show you wants happening, and so you can spot errors. /dev/ttyUSB0 is the standard device reference for the USB GPS.


Next we open up another terminal window and fire up Kismet. I have not modified any of the configuration files, so this is all standard out of the box.
We are prompted to autostart the server, select OK for this and no options, and start.
I then close the console window.
If not already connected, I goto the Kismet menu, and select connect, and connect to the localhost Kismet server.
My Wireless adapter is not on wifi0, so I need to Add a Source, again from the Kismet menu. My interface is wlan0. I add this and we are not seeing activity.

Now the easy bit, go for a drive and map those network devices :)


On your return we can now shutdown Kismet and GPSD.

Now if we go to our desktop, we will see a few Kismet Output files. The one we are looking for is the one with the .netxml file extension. (I have renamed mine to text.netxml to same me some time.

Now we open a terminal windows and we need to get giskismet to work its magic.

giskismet -x wardrive.netxml
giskismet -q “select * from wireless” -o output.kml

GISKISMET is a tool that can take the data gathered from Kismet, and make visual results. -x tells the application to gather the data from the defined .netxml file and pops it into a Db. -q defines the sql query to extract the information in quotes from the Db. -0 defines the output file name and extension. .kml is the file extension we can use to view the results in Google Earth and Google Maps.

If you dont want to do this manually you can use the script that vvpalin put together, and I have hosted here for easy access.

Once the files have been created you have two options. If you want to view them in Google Earth, simply fire up Google Earth and open the .kml file. If you want to view them with Google Maps, you need to upload the file somewhere and then search the hosted file location with Google Maps.

Its impressive how this all works so easily out of the box really, excellent job once again by the Remote Exploit Team, and the application developers that make these amazing tools available for our use.
*Please excuse the reflection in the images above :)

Here are some Google Earth and Maps examples from my quick testing of the new kit.


